Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Full length Album

September 1st is the date that we enter the studio to record our first full length album! It's been too long since we released our split with Fields of Locust and it is about time to create our first complete work on music. We will notify everyone about the name of the album, songs and everything else in a few weeks so stay tuned for more information on that.! We are so excited and we want to do the best for ourselves and for those who support us and enjoy our music!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Live @ YpogaK94

Σε λιγότερο από 2 εβδομάδες επιστρέφουμε μετά από αρκετό καιρό στην αγαπημένη μας ΥπόγαΚ94.!!!Τα έσοδα του live θα διατεθούν για την στήριξη του ταμείου οικονομικής υποστήριξης διωκώμενων αγωνιστών / αγωνιστριών Πάτρας....Η σειρά των μπαντών θα αποφασιστεί στο sound check όπως πάντα,οπότε ελάτε από νωρίς για να μην χάσετε καμία..!!!!!
Άντε να δούμε!!!!

In less than 2 weeks we return after a long time to our beloved basement , YpogaK94.All the earnings will be given for the financial support of Patras' prosecuted comrades fund.The timeline of the line up will be defined during the sound check so come early if you don't want to miss any band.!